Questioning Everything Disney Little To Much

Posts tagged “Just A Girl With Disney Questions

This Star Wars Theory Is Brilliant, and Pretty Damn Bulletproof

When Disney announced that the follow-up to Star Wars: The Forec Awakens wouldn’t hit cinemas until December 15th 2017, we didn’t quite know how to feel.

Because that’s almost two years, and that’s bad. Our toy lightsabers will have probably run out of battery by then. But it also gives us plenty of time to digest some dense, mind-bending fan theories before we step into the theatre – and that’s not so bad.

Especially when the concepts are as imaginative and bulletproof as this epic effort by Imgur user LethalHobo, who’s got some big ideas about Rey and her ultimate role in the saga.

It’s a long one, so neck a few energy drinks before you start – it’s well worth it in the end.

a Dark side

So this Star Wars Saga is not the story of the Skywalkers. It is the story of the Chosen One, reborn, time, and time again, whenever the Force was shifted in its balanced.

To add to this theory, I have to say, I believe the Jedi were wrong in their belief that the Lght side must win. That the Light must be the dominant side of the Force. I believe this is untrue. I believe that in order for the Force to gain balance, it truly needs to be balanced. There is Light, and there is a Dark side to the Force, and to have balance, you need both. So whenever the Light becomes to strong, and the balance has shifted to far to the Light, I believe the Chosen One can be born to the Dark Side as well.


Disney Confession #35



Fan Art Tuesday


We are now on Twitter! Follow me @JaeDahvee and share with friends!


The Little Mermaid, Tangled, and Frozen are all connected!

Here’s the gist: Three years ago, Elsa and Anna’s parents sailed off to a wedding (Flynn Ryder and Rapunzel’s wedding) and they died at sea. (Frozen came out almost exactly three years after Tangled did.) Their shipwreck is the one that Ariel explored in The Little Mermaid. It even makes sense geographically!


The king of Arrendelle is actually Rapunzel’s uncle and magic only affects blonde children in the family!

Baby Rapunzel and Elsa were both blonde. If Elsa’s dad was Rapunzel’s mom’s brother, then it would explain why he would want to hide Elsa’s powers. (His niece was kidnapped for her powers after all, by Mother Gothel!) Since both of these magical girls are blonde, it makes sense to say that magic has to do with a blonde trait. (Anna didn’t get any powers.)

Yes, Rapunzel was supposed to be a brunette as it turns out, and the only reason she’s blonde is because of the flower. Yes, all true. But! That doesn’t mean that the theory isn’t viable. Rapunzel’s genetics could have just been more susceptible to the magic of that flower. For all we know, the flower could have just awakened a power that Rapunzel might have had anyway if she had been born blonde. But because of the brown hair, the gene lay dormant. Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel look so much alike. Rapunzel and Eugene show up at Elsa’s coronation. We already have found a connection between the two films anyway.


And it makes sense that Elsa’s powers run in the family because her father seemed to know a lot more than he let on (knowing exactly what book to look into, knowing exactly how to get to the trolls, knowing the Troll King and vise versa.) I honestly think he may have had powers too. But to a weaker extent. He has dirty blonde hair, while Elsa’s has bleach blonde (and Rapunzel has honey blonde). I think her hair signifies how strong her powers are compared to her fathers. He may have powers himself, but much weaker than Elsa’s and that’s why he’s so dumbfounded on how to help her. At least, he doesn’t know how to help her completely because he doesn’t know how to deal with powers that strong. But, this is all just a theory and I can never completely prove anything. But, I don’t know..